Parent Info » Child Find

Child Find

Child Find is a set of activities used to find children, ages 0-21, which may need special education programs and services. It shall be achieved by using the following:
  • News media (annual submission by the Districts)
  • Presentation to community groups
  • LEA and Contra Costa SELPA publications
  • Dissemination of services available to public/private agencies
  • Parent notices about programs available
  • Vision and hearing screening
  • Language and speech screening
  • Reading and mathematics screening by regular classroom teacher at his/her discretion
  • Standardized testing programs
  • Class or pupil observation by special education staff
The Contra Costa SELPA will continue to search for persons with disabilities through a process coordinated by the Contra Costa SELPA Director. Member LEAs share the responsibility for cooperation with the SELPA effort and for conducting child find activities within the LEA. Search procedures appropriate to the target group shall be implemented as follows:
  • Students not yet in school: Various means of communication shall be utilized in a continuing community awareness process including newspapers, television and posted public notices. Various social, medical, and other professional groups dealing with young pupils shall continue to be contacted.

  • Students enrolled in school: In addition to the pupil study programs described above, regular classroom and other non-special education staff shall continue to receive inservice training as part of the staff development program with the objective of increasing their ability to spot and begin the process of referring potential persons with disabilities.